Since the outbreak of COVID-19, our priority has been keeping the Irish Wrestling community safe.
Our members have been through some tough times since. COVID-19 has affected all of us. Public health measures, while necessary have meant many sacrifices.
Then there was light at the end of the tunnel with the announcement of the Government of Ireland Roadmap To Reopen Society and Business . We have as an association put a team together to navigate a return to wrestling for clubs in line with the easing of government restrictions.
The result is the IAWA Return To Wrestling Guidelines For Clubs. It has been guided by Sport Ireland expertise, UWW correspondence and participation in a webinar with Pro Brian Mckenna
The question remains when can we get our community back out onto a wrestling mat? The answer remains that this can only be done in line with government directive. The IAWA fully support this and will share any updates within our community as soon as appropriate.
In the meantime, we are asking clubs to put appropriate measures in place.
Appoint a COVID-19 Club Safety Officer & COVID-19 Club Compliance Officers
Avail of Training & Education Support
We are asking all Wrestlers, Coaches and supporters to complete the Covid -19 Course on Sport Irelands Website. It takes about 15minutes. Click the link here
Complete a COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan (inc. Risk Assessment). This is in place for all clubs already but needs to be modified now, there are no low risk areas.
There is a COVID-19 Safety Plan for almost every walk of life at present. Every time a wrestling member walks into a shop, onto public transport or into their local park, there is a safety plan guiding their actions to minimise risk. We want the same to be true of their wrestling sports club.
I also want to make it clear that clubs have a choice. Clubs should only begin their plans for a return to wrestling when they are ready and resources are in place.
We are in the COVID-19 Safety Planning stage of our return to wrestling training roadmap. We will offer more detail on wrestling specific matters in due course but for now we are calling on clubs to focus on safety.
Why? Because it’s the first step in bringing wrestling back to our clubs. If our goal is to allow our community resume the sport we love and benefit from the wellbeing that comes with it, we must start with safety.
I am confident that all our associated clubs can focus on a renewed commitment to safety. It will be about committing to safety for each other’s sake. Wrestling has a long and proud history of personal, equipment and mat hygiene and we want to continue in this regard. It will be about recognising good behaviour and practices and correcting poor behaviour and practices that does not keep us safe. It is in all our interests and is everyone’s responsibility
I look forward to working with you in bringing about a safe return to wrestling in our clubs.
Daniel Kennedy - I.A.W.A. President
We will continue to assess the situation and advise you as information comes available.